Top Benefits Of Repiping Your Older Home

If you have an older home, you have probably had to make some improvements and upgrades to it in the past. One upgrade that you might not have done yet is replacing all of the plumbing pipes. This is a pretty big project, and it's definitely something that you will want to hire a plumber for. If you aren't sure of whether or not it's going to be worth it to have this type of upgrade done to your older home, consider these reasons why it can be a great idea. Read More 

2 Possible Causes of the Puddles Around Your Home’s Central a/C Unit

While walking around your home's central air conditioning unit, you may have noticed a few puddles that have formed on the ground around its perimeter. Since the amount is more than typical condensation that you may expect when the air is highly humid, you may be concerned about the source of the puddles. If so, there are a couple of possible causes of the puddles that are forming around your home's A/C unit. Read More 

Five Tips To Improve Air Quality This Heating Season

Indoor air quality can seem to suffer once you seal up your home and turn on the furnace. Stuffy, recycled air, dust, and other debris in the air can cause respiratory discomfort. Fortunately, there are ways to improve air quality without having to turn off the heating system. 1. Install an Air Cleaner An air cleaner is an appliance that hooks into the air intake system for your furnace. The air cleaner contains additional filtration units, which will clean more debris out of the air before it passes through your furnace and recirculates through the home. Read More 

The One AC Maintenance Task Homeowners Should Never Neglect

Home air conditioning design, construction, and installation techniques continue to advance, but even the newest models share something with their earlier predecessors: a critical need for clean filters. If you are new to homeownership and would like to gain a better understanding of the importance of regular filter changes for your HVAC system, this information is sure to help.  1. What function does the filter perform?  Home air conditioning and heating systems require unobstructed movement of air to provide comfort throughout all living spaces. Read More 

AC Ice Ups And Professional Repair Services

One of the more common and puzzling AC issues involves the formation of ice on your air conditioning unit. This problem will most likely also include the poor circulation of air within the home. An air conditioning repair service can help you to address this concern. So, what exactly will they do to get your unit up and running again? Check For Airflow Blockages Sometimes, the AC unit will become extremely cold and will have no way to expel its coolness. Read More