How A Plumber Might Fix Your Kitchen Sink Faucet That’s Leaking At The Base

Your plumbing can develop a number of problems over the years. Sometimes the pipes are to blame, and other times the problem lies with the faucets and other plumbing parts. If your kitchen sink faucet is leaking around the base, call a plumber for help, as a water leak can drive up your water bill and cause water damage in your kitchen. Here's how a plumber might deal with a leaky kitchen faucet.

Note If the Leak Is Continuous

The first thing the plumber may do is verify the leak is actually from the base of the faucet since the water might be dripping from the end of the faucet or a handle and running toward the base. When your faucet leaks around the base, the problem could be temporary and only occur when the faucet is turned on. While this is a waste of water, the problem isn't quite as bad as when the faucet has a continuous leak. A continuous leak occurs when the faucet is turned off too. Depending on the type of faucet you have, the plumber might have clues to the problem by determining if the leak is temporary or continuous.

Take The Faucet Apart

Different brands and styles of faucets have different parts inside them. Besides a rubber O-ring that seals against leaks, the faucet might have a bearing or cartridge that can allow water to leak. As the plumber takes the faucet apart, they look at each of the parts for signs of damage or scale buildup that could contribute to a water leak.

Repair Or Replace The Faucet

If the problem is something as simple as a worn-down or broken O-ring, you might want repairs to be done since the cost would be less than getting an entirely new faucet. However, if you've been wanting to upgrade your faucet, buy the faucet you want and have it ready to swap out when the plumber arrives.

If repairs are being done, the plumber can identify the broken parts and replace them with new identical parts so the faucet is sealed and no water can escape.

Test The Faucet Repairs

Whether the faucet is repaired or replaced, the plumber will test it for leaks once the work is done. Even if there is a slow, tiny leak, the problem should be fixed before the plumber leaves, since plumbing leaks tend to get worse. Once you have a new faucet or new parts, your leaky faucet problems should be a thing of the past since the new parts should have a long life ahead of them.
