4 Ways You Can Reduce The Need For Furnace Repairs Over The Winter
Whether colder weather is just starting up in your neck of the woods or it has hit your area full force, it is important that you ensure your home is ready for winter. One of the most important parts of the home to prepare is the furnace, as this is what keeps you and your family comfortable on some of the chilliest nights. Here are four ways that you can minimize the need for furnace repairs this winter.
1. Keep the Air Filters Changed Regularly
Many homeowners find it difficult to remember to change their air filters every three to four months. However, the best way to remember is to change them as the seasons change. When the air filters are changed regularly, you will not only ensure that you are breathing clean air, but you will also ensure that your furnace is working optimally. Plus, the furnace's lifespan will be extended.
2. Test the Furnace Thermostat
If you have yet to use your furnace and it has been sitting for several months, you will want to give it a test run. Switch the thermostat over to heat and crank up the temperature several notches. Keep your ears open for the heat pump to come up and see how long it takes for the warm to start warming up. If the thermostat reading fails to change or you notice a burning smell or weird groaning sounds, there is something wrong and you need to contact a furnace repair professional as soon as possible.
3. Inspect the Outdoor Unit
Winter not only brings cold weather with it, but it also brings additional debris with it like snow buildup, icicles, fallen branches, leaves, and more. Keeping this in mind, take the time to step outdoors and give your outdoor unit a once-over. In fact, you may want to check the unit on a regular basis to ensure that there are not hindrances keeping it from performing optimally.
4. Schedule an HVAC Appointment
The best thing that you can do is schedule a furnace inspection and tune-up with a local HVAC professional. In fact, with the seasons changing, this is the best time to schedule an inspection. With a professional by your side, issues can be caught early on, helping you to avoid expensive service calls and inconvenient breakdowns on an extremely cold night during the middle of the winter.
For more information, contact local heating repair services.